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About 7pm yesterday, Maido was driving along Lagos Ibadan express way with a friend in his car.

He noticed a car closing in on his car and someone asking them to stop from inside that car.

After careful observation Maido suspected it was the Police and pulled over eventually...He was still skeptical because the car the Officers of the Nigerian police used wasn't a police vehicle,he pulled over anyway.

He didn't notice early enough to have stopped immediately. The officers came down nd were armed.

One of the officers burst into outrage, shouting that Maido must be crazy, because he didn't stop when they asked him to.

They claimed they have been trying to stop him some kilometers back.

Consequently, the officers accused Maido and his friend of being criminals for no reason apparently.

After much interrogation they did a search on his car which Maido consented to.. on finding nothing incriminating,
they asked for their phones, but Maido refused claiming his phone is Private because they already seized his friends phone.

They seized his friend's phone for no reason at all.. so Maido refused to yield his.

He did everything humanly possible to free himself 4rm that brutality. he was beaten with guns wood and several other objects.

After struggling throw .. he was already severely injured, beaten and battered like an animal losing the phone and his watch.

This was Maido after that assault. The physical pain is nothing compared to the psychological pain.

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